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The Vampire Diaires - True Feelings Rosead10
Adriana & Annie Crawford
Diana Heaven
Datum: August, Tag 2, Schultag 1
Zeit: Abends|Nachts
Wetter: Sooooooonne! (:
Zeitänderung: 15. August zu August Tag 3, Morgens
Wochenende: September, Tag 1
Danach wieder Schule: von September, Tag 2 bis Oktober, Tag 4
The Vampire Diaires - True Feelings Anothe10
31. Oktober 2011
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 The Vampire Diaires - True Feelings

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Annie Crawford
Moderatorin Mrs. Oberstalkerin :D
Annie Crawford

Arbeit/Hobbys : Schülerin der St. Cleavemondhill Academy, Abschlussjahrgang | Shoppen | Männer
eig. Alter : 29
Ort : Cleavemondhill.
Anmeldedatum : 28.05.11
Anzahl der Beiträge : 37

The Vampire Diaires - True Feelings Empty
BeitragThema: The Vampire Diaires - True Feelings   The Vampire Diaires - True Feelings EmptyDi Aug 09, 2011 7:25 am

The Vampire Diaires - True Feelings True_f23

Mystic Falls, 2010. The little town in Virginia has seen a lot of trouble the last few months.
Trouble, love, mystery and supernatural. Just, when everybody thought, their life calmed finally,
new hazards overtake Mystic.
The Originals decided to visit Elena Gilbert, since she is the new Petrova doppelganger.
And with them Klaus. He planed to break the curse and become a full hybrid.
Elena sacrificed herself and saved the most of her friends and family, except of Jenna.
And so Klaus became a full hybrid, Elena survived by an offering from John,
Damon by the cure, Klaus gave to Katherine and Stefan.. who had to pay a high price for a small bottle.
On the same evening, Stefan went with Klaus, many people open up their diaries and decide to write a summary about what happened..

Dear Diary..
I don't know, where to start at all.. I left Mystic Falls, even if I was forced to.
I left Elena behind, even if I did not wanted to, even if I was forced by Klaus.

And even worse.. I left her with Damon.
I don't like the thought of them both alone.
Of course I trust Elena. I trust her to be faithfull.
I believe in her, believe her not to cheat on me.
But I do not trust Damon, even after all, what he has done for us.
But maybe, that's the reason, I won't trust him at all.
He did too much for saving Elena.
Every time, I hurried, when she was in danger,
I always arrived after Damon.
Really, I have absolutely no idea, how he could
hear about everything before me.
Sometimes I wondered, if he might be the one,
causing all the problems, just for being the hero in the end.
It wouldn't surprise me at all. And even if I'm with Klaus now,
I worry more about the situation at home. Worry about what is happening there, while I'm gone.
Well, I hope, everything will turn out for the best and I will return to Mystic and to Elena.

Dear Diary..
What the hell is happening? I don't get it at all.
Damon got bitten by Tyler and nearly died. I really thought, I lost a friend,
who got pretty close to me the last months.
That's why I carried that much for him.
I lost too many people, I loved and carried about.
And I saw Rose, when she got bitten by Jules. I watched her suffering.
I saw the whole pain, she had to go through.
And of course I was afraid of what was going to happen to Damon.
Would anyone blame me?
I had to make him happy, before he would leave us.
So I forgave him. I gave him peace, thinking,
he would leave us forever.
No one could even imagine, there would be something like a cure.
But how do you say? Nothing is for free?
Everything has a high price? We had to pay one.
Especially Stefan and me. He left Mystic, because Klaus wanted him to.
This was his requirement for the only cure: His blood. Well, we healed Damon,
but was it really worth it? I'm afraid. Really afraid, what is going to happen to Stefan.

Dear Diary..
Holy crap! This was an experience, I could easily live without.
I will tell you for sure, you would not want to change your life with me,

even if I'm Damon Salvatore. Unthinkable, I know.
But man, do you really want to go nearly through hell?
This little dick Tyler Lockwood adventured himself to bite me.
You better prepair yourself for revenge, kid.
See this as a warning.
Well, lying there and knowing, I'm going to die
from one second to another, I knew, I had to made up with everyone.
And as far as Elena was the only one near to me,
she was the first one. I harmed her a lot and I know it very well.
But when I thnik about every dangerous situation..
she had to thank me instead of being mad.
How many times have I saved her life?
How many times I was by her side for taking care of her?
And where the hell was Stefan the whole time? And then acting like he's the nice guy.
But well, after all, I have to thank him. Thank him for paying this high price to Klaus.
I don't know, if I would have done the same for him at all.

Short Facts
'We are an The Vampire Diaries RPG.
'The game takes place in Mystic Falls.
'Our play starts right after 2x22 "As I lay dying"
'We have an USK16 rating.

Important Links

Wanted and Unwanted.

The Vampire Diaires - True Feelings Nina_i12

Wanted and Unwanted.

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